Ciao a tutti!
con l'avvicinarsi del Natale, ho preparato una serie di nuove proposte per il 2013. Ebbene sì! anche quest'anno salveremo il mondo, o per lo meno daremo il nostro contributo per renderlo un pochino migliore...
Spero che a tutti voi piacciano queste piccole idee, che proseguono le attività iniziate negli scorsi anni. Anche quest'anno ci concentreremo su studenti delle scuole e dell'università, su specie di animali minacciate, e su piccole attività di commercio ecologico che creano posti di lavoro e contribuiscono a proteggere l'ambiente.
1) Borse di studio per studenti delle scuole primarie e secondarie del Samburu District, Kenya.
Il Samburu District è una delle regioni più povere del Kenya. Per molti studenti e studentesse, le spese scolastiche sono semplicemente impossibili: troppi ragazzi abbandonano la scuola o non la frequentano perché le loro famiglie non possono permettersele. Propongo di istituire 7-10 borse di studio, di circa 150-200 Euro l'una: questa somma paga le spese scolastiche di un intero anno. Gli studenti saranno scelti dagli anziani dei villaggi, con l'unica richiesta di assegnare il 50% delle borse a studenti dei due sessi.
2) Borse di studio per studenti in collaborazione con i National Museums of Kenya.
Il Museo Nazionale del Kenya è l'istituto demandato a studiare e conservare la biodiversità del Kenya. Vogliamo istituire borse di studio annuali per studenti che in collaborazione con il Museo lavorano per la conservazione delle specie animali del loro paese. Sammy Bakari lavora nell'altopiano di Kinangop per conservare l'habitat dell'Uccellino zampagrossa, uno degli uccelli più in pericolo del mondo. Lawrence Wagura sta cercando di salvare la Taita Apalis, un uccellino la cui popolazione è ridotta a soli 200 individui arroccati in cima una montagna nel Kenya meridionale, dove la deforestazione supera il 99%.
3) Didattica per la conservazione ad Ol Bolossat. George Ndungu è un ornitologo autodidatta che vive ad Ol Bolossat, uno dei siti più importanti per la conservazione dell'ambiente in Kenya.
Ol Bolossat è minacciato dall'espansione incontrollata delle attività umane, ed uno dei problemi più gravi è che la gente del posto semplicemente non conosce il valore dell'ambiente e perché sia importante proteggerlo.
George ha scritto una proposta per insegnare la conoscenza dell'ambiente nelle scuole di Ol Bolossat. Riusciremo ad aiutarlo finanziando il suo lavoro?
4) Una terra per Njabini! Il laboratorio di filatura e tessitura di Njabini è una piccola cooperativa che contribuisce a salvare le praterie indigene del Kenya creando posti di lavoro in un villaggio dove poche persone hanno un reddito fisso. Dopo anni di lavoro con questo gruppo, abbiamo ottenuto buoni risultati: la qualità dei prodotti e la quantità di lana acquistata sono nettamente cresciute, e il laboratorio ha contribuito a salvare oltre 20 ettari di prateria, che è l'unico habitat di specie minacciate, fra cui il ben noto Uccellino Zampagrossa. Ora siamo pronti per un passo ambizioso: acquistare un pezzo di terra per costruire un nuovo e più moderno laboratorio dove la cooperativa di Njabini potrà espandersi. Durante il 2012, ci siamo dati da fare per individuare diversi appezzamenti di terreno adatti allo scopo. Il 2013 sarà l'anno del grande salto! Vi faremo sapere!
5) The Mbara Community Project. Le scuole di Temow, Chopotwo e Kapsor Schools, Vicino al villaggio di Mbara , nel
Kenya occidentale, sono tre scuole elementari dove manca tutto. Niente aule, niente banchi, niente posto per giocare ... Con il mio amico Terry John Hummerston, che da anni lavora in questa zona vogliamo aiutare queste scuole a diventare un posto dove i piccoli studenti potranno avere una vera educazione. Ce la faremo?
Dec 20, 2012
Dec 8, 2012
The proposals for 2013 are here!
Hello all!
as Christmas approaches, I have been working on the new package of proposals for 2013. Yes! even in 2013 we will save the world, or at least give our small contribution to making it a better place to live in...
I hope you all will like these small ideas, which are the prosecution of things that we begun in previous years. We will again focus on school and university students, on endangered species and on small eco-business activities that contribute to creating jobs and conserving the environment.
1) Scholarships for primary and secondary school students of the Samburu District, Kenya. The Samburu District is one of the poorest regions of Kenya. For many female and male students, school expenses, are just beyond reach: too many drop off school or never attend it because their families can’t afford school expenses. I propose to sponsor 7-10 students with small scholarships, of about €150 each: this sum is enough to pay school fees for one year. The students will be chosen by the village elders and we will ensure that female students make about 50% of the prize winners.
2) Scholarships for students in collaboration with the National Museums of Kenya. The National Museums is the governmental institution mandated to study and conserve biodiversity in Kenya. We will award small grants to University students who are interns of the Museums of Kenya and work on biodiversity conservation in the field. Sammy Bakari works in the Kinangop Plateau, in central Kenya, to preserve the habitat of Sharpe’s Longclaw, one of the most highly endangered species of birds in the world. Lawrence Wagura is trying to save Taita Apalis, a small bird whose population is down to only 200 individuals on top of a mountain in southern Kenya where deforestation rate has reached 99%.
3) Teaching conservation at Ol Bolossat. George Ndungu is a self-taught Kenyan ornithologist, native to Ol Bolossat, one of the most important sites for bird conservation in Kenya. Ol Bolossat is threatened by the expansion of unsustainable human activities, and one of the main problems is that the local people are unaware that they live in place having such an importance for conservation. George wrote a project to teach about conservation in the schools located in Ol Bolossat area, and I hope we will be able to help him with the funds needed to carry out this activity
4) A land for Njabini! Njabini woolspinning workshop is an eco-friendly business that creates jobs and contributes to the preservation of the highly threatened highland grasslands of Kenya. After years of work with this little grassroots group, we have obtained many results: the quality of their products has significantly improved, the amount of wool purchased from local farmers grew, and the positive impact in terms of jobs created and of grassland conservation is undeniable. The next step that we want to take is an ambitious one: to buy a plot of land where a new, large and modern workshop can be built and the Njabini group can grow further. In 2012, we have been looking for suitable plots of land, and at the same time saving money to raise the sum needed for the purchase of the land. Hopefully 2013 will be the BIG year! We'll keep you posted about this!
5) The Mbara Community Project. Temow, Chopotwo and Kapsor Schools, near Mbara village, in Western Kenya, are three small primary schools where nothing is available. No classrooms, no desks, no playground for the pupils ... With my friend Terry John Hummerston, we want to help these schools becoming a place where young girl and boy pupils can get a real education for their future
as Christmas approaches, I have been working on the new package of proposals for 2013. Yes! even in 2013 we will save the world, or at least give our small contribution to making it a better place to live in...
I hope you all will like these small ideas, which are the prosecution of things that we begun in previous years. We will again focus on school and university students, on endangered species and on small eco-business activities that contribute to creating jobs and conserving the environment.
1) Scholarships for primary and secondary school students of the Samburu District, Kenya. The Samburu District is one of the poorest regions of Kenya. For many female and male students, school expenses, are just beyond reach: too many drop off school or never attend it because their families can’t afford school expenses. I propose to sponsor 7-10 students with small scholarships, of about €150 each: this sum is enough to pay school fees for one year. The students will be chosen by the village elders and we will ensure that female students make about 50% of the prize winners.
2) Scholarships for students in collaboration with the National Museums of Kenya. The National Museums is the governmental institution mandated to study and conserve biodiversity in Kenya. We will award small grants to University students who are interns of the Museums of Kenya and work on biodiversity conservation in the field. Sammy Bakari works in the Kinangop Plateau, in central Kenya, to preserve the habitat of Sharpe’s Longclaw, one of the most highly endangered species of birds in the world. Lawrence Wagura is trying to save Taita Apalis, a small bird whose population is down to only 200 individuals on top of a mountain in southern Kenya where deforestation rate has reached 99%.
3) Teaching conservation at Ol Bolossat. George Ndungu is a self-taught Kenyan ornithologist, native to Ol Bolossat, one of the most important sites for bird conservation in Kenya. Ol Bolossat is threatened by the expansion of unsustainable human activities, and one of the main problems is that the local people are unaware that they live in place having such an importance for conservation. George wrote a project to teach about conservation in the schools located in Ol Bolossat area, and I hope we will be able to help him with the funds needed to carry out this activity
4) A land for Njabini! Njabini woolspinning workshop is an eco-friendly business that creates jobs and contributes to the preservation of the highly threatened highland grasslands of Kenya. After years of work with this little grassroots group, we have obtained many results: the quality of their products has significantly improved, the amount of wool purchased from local farmers grew, and the positive impact in terms of jobs created and of grassland conservation is undeniable. The next step that we want to take is an ambitious one: to buy a plot of land where a new, large and modern workshop can be built and the Njabini group can grow further. In 2012, we have been looking for suitable plots of land, and at the same time saving money to raise the sum needed for the purchase of the land. Hopefully 2013 will be the BIG year! We'll keep you posted about this!
5) The Mbara Community Project. Temow, Chopotwo and Kapsor Schools, near Mbara village, in Western Kenya, are three small primary schools where nothing is available. No classrooms, no desks, no playground for the pupils ... With my friend Terry John Hummerston, we want to help these schools becoming a place where young girl and boy pupils can get a real education for their future
Dec 1, 2012
Teaching conservation in Ol Bolossat grasslands!
Let me introduce a friend of mine: George Ndungu is a self-taught ornithologist, native to Ol Bolossat area in central Kenya. Ol Bolossat is an important site for conservation: it is one of the few remaining chunks of natural highland grassland, and a wetland supporting large numbers of resident and migratory birds, and many rare species.
Ol Bolossat is threatened by the expansion of human activities, but local people are unaware that they live in place having such an importance for conservation.
George wrote a project to teach about conservation in the schools located in Ol Bolossat area. This is a very important idea, because people will only protect the environment if they know its value.
I propose to fund George's proposal with a donation that will enable him to work for two months in the local Primary Schools.
Please read George's proposal below
Ol Bolossat is threatened by the expansion of human activities, but local people are unaware that they live in place having such an importance for conservation.
George wrote a project to teach about conservation in the schools located in Ol Bolossat area. This is a very important idea, because people will only protect the environment if they know its value.
I propose to fund George's proposal with a donation that will enable him to work for two months in the local Primary Schools.
Please read George's proposal below
Macronyx sharpei,
Ol Bolossat,
Sharpe's Longclaw
Lake Ilpolosat, Kenya
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