Apr 11, 2018

Hiking in the Hills of Taita

A journalist reports about the Taita hills and our work to conserve their endangered biodiversity:


Taita Hills - northern extreme of Eastern Arc Mountains Copyright Rupi Mangat

Mar 19, 2018

Rie Jensen's MSc thesis on Taita apalis foraging

One of the possible causes of the steady decline of Taita apalis (it decreased by 50-70% in the last 15 years) is that some change in the availabilty of its preferred food might have occurred inside its tiny range.

Rie Jensen, a Danish student from Copenhagen University, visited the Taita hills during the 2016-2017 breeding season to study Taita apalis' foraging in different forest fragments. Rie's work was supervised by Professor Anders P. Tøttrup and by me.

Rie (second from left in the photo) has recently successfully defended her thesis, and is now working on publishing her results. Congratulations, we all look forward to reading the very intersting papers that she will publish!

One short synopsis of Rie's work can be found here

Feb 28, 2018

One step closer to extinction

Journalist Rupi Mangat tells about Taita apalis and how it is now one step closer ot extinction


Jan 16, 2018

Visit them before is too late...

An article on the Taita hills has just been published on the Saturday Magazine of the Daily Nation newspaper, and guess who is the bird in the photo?