Aug 26, 2011

Back to school ! Si torna a scuola !

Since I will be in Ngilai for the entire month of August, I have been able to meet with our students here in the village. This is vacation time for Kenyan schools, so all of them are here in these weeks.
As you remember, four students are receiving a small fellowship that pays their school fees. Thanks to these small donations, Naomi, Simon, Danson and Thomas have been able to attend secondary school. This would have been very unlikely without our help, so we can be proud of ourselves :-)
Naomi, Danson, Simon and Thomas will soon begin the fourth and last year of school, and we hope that we will be able to support more students of the Ngilai village to school in the coming years.  Meanwhile, this year's donations allowed us to sponsor another student (the fifth). Damaris is a 15-year old girld, she is currently attending the first year of secondary school at Mwalimu Girls Secondary School in Meru, and we wish her all the best.
Damaris, Naomi, Simon, Thomas and Danson

(Traduzione). E' agosto, e come sempre sono a Ngilai molto indaffarato a torturare uccellini. Ad agosto in Kenya le scuole sono chiuse, e tutti i nostri studenti sono qui nel villaggio. Fra poco Naomi, Danson, Simon e Thomas inizieranno il quarto e ultimo anno di scuola, e in tutta sincerita' vi posso garantire che senza il nostro aiuto non avrebbero potuto raggiungere questo risultato! Evviva!
Le donazioni di quest'anno sono state generose, e ci hanno permesso di aiutare una nouva studentessa, Damaris, che frequenta il primo anno alla Mwalimu School di Meru. Molti auguri a lei e ai suoi amici!

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